It's Faster Because It's C. ⇒
14 July 2010, mid-morning
Spoiler: probably not. (The last time I profiled one of our programs at work, it spent something like 90% of it’s time reading and writing to UDP sockets—tasks you really couldn’t make any faster.)
This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.
I thought this snippet made a lot of sense:
“A lot of code is faster not because it’s written in C but for the same reasons that it’s written in C. It’s common cause, not cause and effect. The most common cause of all is that C code tends to be written by people who have actually lived outside the Java reality-distortion bubble and been forced to learn how to write efficient code (which they could then do in Java but no longer care to).“
we have a lot of trouble finding new hires who can do things the “efficient way”, or convincing them that the efficient way is actually more efficient. (We also have a lot of trouble finding new hires who can write C, but we’re firmware, so I feel more justified.)
by Weiguo on July 14 2010, 11:59 am #