A painting of me

"Good luck with Saturday." ⇒

   16 July 2010, early morning

I was dragged into an interrogation room with the door shut to be held by officer 8830 & 8659, while the booking sergeant began to beat me in the face, body and kick my legs. … my clothing was forcibly removed in way as to flip myself around like a rag doll on the concrete floor. The buttons of my shirt were ripped open. At this point I was completely naked and the beating continued. … I was taken through the booking hallway completely naked in front of female officers and forced to sit in a holding cell for approximately 4 hours – completely naked.

Go Canada? I think this is now the worse story i’ve read about the G20 weekend — and at this point i’ve read a lot of these stories.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. Jeebus. Horrifying.

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