A painting of me

Everyone Who Tried to Convince Me to use Vim was Wrong. ⇒

   29 July 2010, mid-morning

Wrong about how to go about switching anyway. I’ve been using Vim for ages, and I still use the arrow keys and my mouse: the shame! If you haven’t seen Vimcasts, like myself, it’s well worth a look.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. He should have switched to Emacs if he loves the mouse so much.

  2. Who can figure out how to quit Emacs?

  3. ctrl-x ctrl-c

    just as simple as

    esc (a bunch of times if necessary), : q ! {enter}

Don't be shy, you can comment too!

Some things to keep in mind: You can style comments using Textile. In particular, *text* will get turned into text and _text_ will get turned into text. You can post a link using the command "linktext":link, so something like "google":http://www.google.com will get turned in to google. I may erase off-topic comments, or edit poorly formatted comments; I do this very rarely.