BBC: Children die in Baghdad car bomb. ⇒
13 July 2005, lunch time
This attack won't get a cute name like 9/11 or 7/7, and there will probably be another attack next week, but that doesn't make it any less tragic.
This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.
sigh. Why don’t they leave children out of this?! They’ve done nothing to deserve this.
by sh!ma on July 13 2005, 1:26 pm #
I’m surprised there isn’t a bigger backlash against the insurgents, since they seem to kill Iraqis more often than Americans. And how do you rationalize killing children? I would love to see some mullah try and legitimize that. Apparently killing 1 US soldier is worth killing 24 Iraqi children.
by ramanan on July 13 2005, 1:34 pm #
Apparently killing 1 US soldier is worth killing 24 Iraqi children.
I just want to know a little more about this statement.
by rishi on July 13 2005, 4:22 pm #
This suicide bomb killed 1 US soldier, and 26 Iraqis, 24 of which were children, according to the atricle I linked to.
by ramanan on July 13 2005, 4:29 pm #
Word, I see what you’re getting at.
by rishi on July 13 2005, 8:10 pm #
dude, forget mullahs. try this on from size…
From ‘A Problem From Hell’, talking about Iran and the war against Iraq:
“The ayatollah encouraged martyrdom, which gave him spiritual cover to mask the ridiculous losses and the hollow cause. He famously deployed Iranian children as minesweepers, tying them together to walk across fields and across no-man’s-land. He instructed them to wear around their necks plastic keys that would enable them to unlock the gates of paradise”
by rooney on July 14 2005, 4:39 am #
Yes, statistics from the Iran/Iraq war are quite gruesome. Still, I think you probably picked one of the tamest examples of things Iranians did in the name of the Imam.
by ramanan on July 14 2005, 11:53 am #