A painting of me

Overcrowded streetcars, uninterested drivers part of the rolling horror show on Queen. ⇒

   15 July 2014, lunch time

I took the streetcar to my brother-in-law’s place in Leslieville yesterday. My office is at Queen and University, his home is at Queen and Leslie. The trip took an hour and a half. To put that in perspective, I can make it to my parents house in Scarborough in less time. When I asked people how I should get out to Leslieville from downtown, they recommend taking the subway North to Bloor, East to Pape, and then taking the Pape bus south to Leslieville. I’m pretty sure that’d have shaved 45 minutes off my trip, easily. What a joke. The Queen Streetcar is a disaster right now.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. I feel your pain. The diversions in the summer are a real killer. The replacement 502 bus works ok, but it only goes to Church.

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