A painting of me

Dave Mathew's Band explains how to beat the DRM on their new CD. ⇒

   16 August 2005, late afternoon

Dope. They also ask that you petition Apple to change iTunes so it will let you import copy protected CDs. This link was found via Waxy.org.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. Mac instructions are one sentence: put it in and do it.

    Also, Please note an easier and more acceptable solution requires cooperation from Apple, who we have already reached out to in hopes of addressing this issue.

    No, please contact MicroSoft, owners of WMP, about making the latest version of Media Player run on a Mac. Or better yet, please contact the RIAA and record labels, telling them you don’t want lame ass DRM’d CDs in the first place. Asking Apple to break the DMCA for Windows iTunes users isn’t going to get you anywhere.

  2. The band asked for something dumb. They asked us to get Apple to allow the use of MS’s DRM. How about we just go back to not using DRM on our goddamned CDs because clearly this is NOT a winning strategy. Oh no, you’ve just made me take ten more minutes to rip your audio and put it online for free! I cannot possibly afford TEN MINUTES!

  3. I don’t think the are tring to be punks. I think they just don’t understand how things work. They are blaming the last point of failure, iTunes, instead of the first point, the DRM on their music. If they want you to circumvent it, I assume they aren’t fans of DRM.

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