A painting of me

"Fucking hit the main dude." ⇒

   13 July 2016, lunch time

I Hit it with My Axe is back. It’s one of those shows where they film people playing D&D. The main difference with this one is that most everyone playing is a porn star. That (probably) makes this gaming group outliers in the wider world of D&D groups, but I think this is a much truer presentation of what D&D games are like compared to a lot of these sorts of web shows, where the DM and players all happen to be actors (or voice actors) and everything feels so polished and scripted. This first new episode is more of an introduction about the group and one of the players, Kimberly Kane.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



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