A painting of me

Craig Mod discusses Aloneness. ⇒

   22 November 2023, mid-afternoon

I’ve been thinking about aloneness recently. Well, I’ve been thinking about it my whole life. It’s difficult to remember a time where I didn’t feel alone or apart or “on my own.” And I’ve spent the majority of my adult life — from 17 onward — living mostly alone, going to bed alone, and waking up alone. Left to my own volition to somehow transmute that aloneness into forward momentum, “output,” (“content” ha ha) and positive habits.

This issue of Roden is a couple weeks old now, but I was reminded of it again with the launch of his new book Things Become Other Things.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



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