A painting of me

FTrain: Gary Benchley, Rock Star. ⇒

   3 October 2005, lunch time

Ben's boyfriend Paul Ford has published a novel.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. I feel like, given the editorial policy around here, a comment that consists entirely of “hahaha” would, and likely should, be deleted. But really.


    Also, I am really happy for Paul and look forward to buying the book, I enjoyed reading the Benchley pieces at The Morning News.

  2. I don’t think i’m so draconian when it comes to deleting comments. I didn’t know Paul Ford wrote for the Morning News.

  3. That’s how the whole Gary Benchley project started. He had written essays and things for them over the years and had this idea to start writing under a pseudonym, and eventually a publisher approached Gary Benchley about writing a book and Paul Ford decided to go ahead and do it. He wrote all about it at The Morning News. I am happy for him.

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