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CBC: Canada will investigate allegations of secret CIA flights. ⇒

   6 December 2005, early afternoon

The Globe and Mail has had a few articles on this subject, and an editorial cartoon today. The BBC discusses this topic as well. America is basically redefining torture. (The US definition would be: Torture is something the US doesn't do.)

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. I think that instead of all the speeches that Bush, Cheney, and Rice give that are filled with lots of propaganda that they should go on live TV and be the recipents of such techniques as “Waterboarding” and “Cold Cell”. After all, actions speak louder than words and I’m sure that after such a demonstration of leadership the World would see that their torture methodologies aren’t “severe” or “cruel”. ;-)

  2. Somehow, I doubt we’ll be seeing that on CNN anytime soon.

    Metafilter discusses this further.

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