A painting of me

[murmur] is an archival audio project that collects and curates stories set in specific Toronto locations, told by Torontonians themselves. ⇒

   18 January 2006, the wee hours

This is a strange, but very cool site. I'm not sure if the audio is supposed to all play at the same time or not, but that is a cool effect, even if accidental. This link was found via Andre Torrez.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. don’t use their site. I mean, it’s nice and all. But you really need to go out and do the [murmur]s in person yourself.

    just head out with a cell phone and look for the metal signs (their logo: a green ear, with a number inside), call their number, put in the code, and listen to the story.

    I’m waiting to do the Spadina route when the weather gets nicer.

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