A painting of me

Sigma Model girl on Flickr. ⇒

   18 January 2006, terribly early in the morning

I want to get the Sigma 30mm f/1.4 (digital only) lens.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. Haha. From the guy who said ”$400 for a lens?” But then, I want it desperately and am counting my pennies.

  2. This looks to be the best prime available right now—well, that is under a grand. I don’t know why Canon hasn’t made an equivilant lens yet. It sucks it is $400 dollars though. I don’t consider that affordable, though I guess relative to everything else it is. In Canada it is actually a hell of a lot more at most stores. Thank god for B&H.

  3. Is this set of photo’s from a friend of yours at Waterloo? As I see it has Jessica in it from school.

  4. I found this picture through one of the Flickr groups I am in. Who is Jessica? (Is the model from Waterloo? Because that would be pretty strange.)

  5. Ok, I didn’t realize you stumbled on this person at Random. I’m sure they are connected to Waterloo in some way, probably went to school there. As I recognize Jess (she is also an accountant) and James (bigger Chinese guy, worked at Fed for a while in one of the pictures). They were all our year.

  6. As I look more at his site, looks like they are Dragon Boaters, and probably that’s how they are connected.

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