A painting of me

Ask.Mefi: It's 1986, I'm in the first grade, I'm working really hard to get Mario laid. ⇒

   18 January 2006, mid-afternoon

This guy wants to find Nintendo themed hip-hop.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. Can’t be bothered to look it up any further, but Masta Ace has 2 discs out that have a video game flavour.

    Game Over

    Don’t think anyone mentioned that over there. Well, the Cocoa Brovaz song was mentioned…it’s on Vol. I. I like Hellbound with Eminem over the Soul Calibur sample

  2. my bad, someone did mention it.

  3. nerdcore might have something…I think Optimus Rhyme have probably laid vocals over sampled chipsound.

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