A painting of me

Moleskine Notebooks, Journals and Date Books ⇒

   21 October 2004, late at night

I'm thinking about getting a Moleskin. It would be a lot less then buying a palm pilot, and probably cooler. Opinions?

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. I’m surprised you didn’t hear about them before. They’ve been discussed on Metafilter.

  2. While everybody is toting electronic gizmos, you bust out with your old school Moleskin!

    The cool factor is undeniable.

  3. I’ve been contemplating getting one lately, too, just to have a place to write when I don’t want to carry my PowerBook around. They are so very tempting, but I am such a stationary whore that I think my opinion is more than slightly skewed.

  4. pda’s suck ass. plain and simple.

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