A painting of me

iPod socks ⇒

   27 October 2004, the wee hours

Apple is going to start selling socks you can put your iPod in for 30 dollars US. I can't make shit like this up. (On a side note, I used to put my old walkman in a sock.)

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. you have no idea how quickly I would buy this. Look how cute it is!

  2. Dinu, you could just pay me the 30 bucks American and I’ll be more than happy to knit one for you! :)

  3. shima, first you would have to knit me six…. and second, errr, I don’t think your knitting will have the wonderful design of an apple made product… no offense to shima made products intended!

  4. Man, who are these guys behind Apple’s marketing?! Absolutely brilliant.

    If they would have mentioned it in the press release, it won’t have generated such a response.

    Absolutely brilliant!

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