A painting of me

YouTube: Bike Thief. ⇒

   17 July 2006, evening time

A guy in New York steals his bike 4 times in broad daylight and no one does anything. Haran and I saw a dude steal someones bike once; we also didn't do anything.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. Our finest hour.

  2. Maybe he was stealing his own bike.

  3. Trust me when I say he wasn’t.

  4. What if someone steals my future bike? :(
    I’d be so sad.

  5. Ram and I are like the Justice League. Your future bike is safe. (Ignore everything we’ve said above this comment)

  6. Everyone’s gonna want to steal my future bike! I’m not convinced you guys are up to the job!

  7. Nice splash guards.

  8. I know!

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