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"Councils as white bread as ever?" ask the Star ⇒

   6 November 2006, lunch time

(My secret hope is that the original title was to be, "Councils as Wonder Bread as ever?") The article paints a disappointing picture of Tamil people, who sound like they are only concerned with Federal politics because they want Canadian support for their cause -- though, I can totally believe that is the case. It's a shame though: to not participate fully in the municipal process seems like a waste of a perfectly good voting bloc. Sanaz, who is running in Ward 24, spoke to a bunch of newcomers to Canada recently. That may get them more interested in local politics. Adam Giambrone, who is the candidate in my riding, makes a very real effort to make sure the various ethnic groups in the area are aware of who he is, and what is going on in the riding. This is a win for him, as it endears the community to him. It's also a win for those people who would normally not participate in community politics. It will be interesting to see what council looks like after the election.

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