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Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Trailer Emerges. ⇒

   1 December 2006, mid-afternoon

Finally a good reason to own a PSP. This link was found via Kotaku.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. Finally a good reason to own a PSP.
    that is so not true. Lumines on its own is practically worth the system by itself. Homebrew makes a good argument too, as does Megaman: Maverick Hunter X.

  2. I hate the PSP. This would bring the great game count up to three. Lumines was great, Megaman Maverick Hunter X was okay. I found the remake of Megaman 1 to be better. However with Squares current trend of new Final Fantasies I can picture this game looking great but being a pile of crap. FF12 is very weak, FFX I found to be a little stupid because of X-2. IX was okay. Square was at a highpoint with 6 7 and 8 now they have just lost it.

  3. I should say another reason, as Lumines is awesome.

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