A painting of me

Over a hundred thousand World of Warcraft accounts were closed in November. ⇒

   22 December 2006, lunch time

There are plenty of MMORPGs which don't even have 100,000 accounts to close.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. FFXI did it too

    Cept the number of accounts they banned makes it about 832214 gil/account.

    The WoW one is about 114 gold/account.

    The major difference I see here is that when you eliminate gold from WoW, the game just dumps more into the system anyways. In FFXI, they eliminated so much gil now that deflation is crazy. Things that were once welling for well over 40 million gil are now fetching less than 4.

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