A painting of me

Adium 1.0. ⇒

   2 February 2007, late evening

Holy shit. I never thought this day would come.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. I can’t see the difference between the beta I was using and this release… Oh well, still good.

  2. I didn’t even realize I wasn’t running a full release. Ha. Installing it now.

    ... Two minutes later…

    This release is substantially different form what I was running before. I think I was on the same version for over the last year. This is great.

  3. Having played with this for a while longer, I have to say – having not upgraded for a year and a half – this is AMAZING. There are so many cool options. Haha. I highly recommend not upgrading your software very often. The changes are much more rewarding when you do.

  4. its pretty much the same as the last beta version, which I was running anyway. Its much better than the last release though, although I still wish the libgaim people would fix MSN file transfers to allow P2P… and of course, audio and video for the MSN protocol would be nice…

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