A painting of me

Rove warned in 'manuals, memos, and briefings' to save emails. ⇒

   16 April 2007, early morning

As with all scandals, this will most likely get no real traction.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. I think there are only a couple things that cause a real scandal for someone in the White House:

    1) They are caught on tape burning an American flag.
    2) They run off the Canada to elope in a gay wedding.
    3) They had a previous career as an abortion doctor.

    Pretty much everything else is not important… ;-)

    I wonder if there is a study on poorly governed each country in the World is (for some definition of “poorly governed”). It would be interested to see how each country stacks up.

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