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Sri Lanka vs. Australia live. ⇒

   16 April 2007, early morning

Sri Lanka have opted to bat first, and are off to a good start. (Update: Spoke too soon. Jayasuriya is out.) Sadly, both Vaas and Muralitharan are resting this game, and Malinga is still off with an ankle injury, so Sri Lanka's bowling attack is could be a bit lacking. They kind of have the B team out right now. (Sri Lanka have a spot in the semis already.)

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  1. Arnold you sweet son of a bitch. Australia have lost Gilchrist and Hayden. They still look poised to win this game, but that’s a great job on Arnolds part. Right now the economy rate for the bowlers in particularly high. If they can start bowling better overs Sri Lanka might make a comeback. I wouldn’t hold your breath mind you.

  2. I hope they win the one that matters.

  3. I liked the move to put out the B team, we’re essentially locked into the 2-3 matchup for the semifinals, so we don’t have to worry about seeing the Aussies till the finals. Why let them practice against our good bowlers? Malinga was hurt, so he gets to rest anyways, so why not add Vaas and Muralitharan too?

    I like the strategy of keeping them in the back pocket until a real game comes up.

  4. Why not let them bowl like 3-4 overs each, just so they can get a taste of what the Australian batsman will be like? They wouldn’t have had to play OZ again till the finals anyway — not to jinx them. I guess it doesn’t matter either way. A lose kind of gives them something to fight back and beat also. It would have also been nice to let Attapatu play. Poor guy hasn’t gotten a chance to bat yet.

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