A painting of me

I Choo Choo Choose You. ⇒

   3 February 2005, early afternoon

The perfect Valentine's Day card for that special someone. This link was found via Kottke.org.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. aww cute…

    I want a real valentines day present though… how about a diamond this year? I hear they’re a girls best friend.

  2. Yes Ram, can you get a hint?!

  3. I was going to frame a picture of me and buy a chain so she can wear it around her neck like Flava-Flav.

  4. i hope you’re joking.


  5. Diamonds? You’re lucky that Atlantic Monthly article is subscription only now or I’d link to it.

  6. I’ve discussed the whole DeBeers fabricating consumer demand for jewelry-quality diamonds thing with several girls, and none of them seem to care. They still want a diamond. If only DeBeers could run some fancy ads for sweaters.

  7. I don’t have anything against diamonds, I mean they’re very hard and have a high refractive index. They actually do make good jewellery.

    However, I think people should read that article. It might make them actually consider from whom they buy their diamonds.

  8. I guess when it comes down to it, I just want a ring. I’m not too particular about it being a diamond or not. Though a diamond would be prettier. :P

    .. and rishi STOP talking about sweaters. It’s a lost cost. Other than you and Ram I don’t think anyone else would even consider it. You two should be glad you have understanding girlfriends that let you talk shit. :P

    Why can’t I just have my diamond ring? You guys spoil the fun! :(

  9. I actually got the idea from Matt (Tucker—I know too many Matts). I’ll get you a ring, you just have to be paitent. And I have to stop spending all my money.

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