A painting of me

Getting the most out of your Napster-To-Go account. ⇒

   15 February 2005, lunch time

A textbook example of why digital rights management will never work.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. I think its a textbook example of stupid marketing. You give 10 to 30 songs for free, not two weeks.

    We all know that DRM doesn’t work. But if this shitty DRM convinces the content providers to put their wares online, so be it.

    Also its very telling of how entrenched and popular iTMS has become. When your users are hell bent on screwing your competition, you are enjoying some crazy mindshare.

  2. Napster responds to the flaws in their system. To sum up what they said: there are no flaws.

  3. That Napster press release is funny. Oh, it’s only going to take 10 hours to convert 10 hours of music. Well, in that case I’ll hold off. Give me a break. Just create the playlist in the morning before work and leave it playing all day long. When you come home in the evening you have 10 hours of DRM-free music. Or leave it playing overnight. The volume doesn’t need to be turned up. They’ll never learn.

  4. Is it just me, or did the “CTO” just illustrate how the technique used to record radio to cassette can be implemented in the exact same manner to crack their fool-proof DRM technology?

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