A painting of me

I Do, I Do, I Do. ⇒

   27 February 2008, early afternoon

Some very cool wedding photography.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. these taiwanese photos aren’t so cool if you realize that they are reproduced for every taiwanese couples. In fact, all the chinese wedding photography houses in richmond hill charge a shit load of money to take pictures just like that, and then send them back to Taiwan for printing, photoshopping and binding.

    My sister and ALL her friends have the exact same photos and poses. Even the photoshopping is the same. It’s creepy.

  2. So lots of people are doing this super-candid informal wedding photo stuff now? Like photo number 4 in that set, that’d be a typical photograph? Or the one with the couple asleep and the kids playing in the front?

    My cousin had his wedding photos done in Korea. His wife is from Korea. The photos look like they’re from a wedding magazine: lots of costumes, etc.

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