A painting of me

29th ACM Intl. Programming Contest Results. ⇒

   7 April 2005, early afternoon

Waterloo came in 4th place.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. the slashdot discussion on this topic makes my teeth itch. there’s lots of good points, but almost an equal number of people talking without understanding the topic, or even the concept of a programming competition.

    anyone who can read slashdot regularly is either a masochist or has a far higher tolerance for stupidity than I do.

  2. I find it really aggravating. Usually I just check the links, but don’t read what posters have to say. One trick is to only read posts mod’ed up to 4 points or higher. Usually that will get rid of some of the crap.

  3. yeah, I guess… I think it just rankles me that I have to censor out the morons. I always have /. modded at 1 or higher to avoid the trolls, but ignorance can still gain points for some reason that escapes me. I suppose I’d just prefer a community where people consider reading source material before responding to it.

    It reminds me of the post you put up a few days ago about the “left-leaning-homo… etc” video, and then the author came and tried to lay the smackdown on you. If only people thought about reading and learning before they speak, the world would be such a better place.

  4. I don’t bother to read ./ comments anymore…99% of them are idiotic.

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