A painting of me


   18 July 2004, late afternoon

Update: Read this post carefully. I am trying to talk about not letting your curiosity get out of hand. Somethings are better left unknown.

Sometimes the word Bukkake comes up in conversation. Almost always, a girl who is out with my friends and I will ask, “What’s Bukkake?” We of course reply, you don’t want to know. This actually happens a fair bit. I’m not sure why Bukkake keeps coming up in conversation. My friends and I are a bit odd I suppose.

I found this little tidbit of advice, and I thought I would share it with you guys that don’t know what Bukkake is:

Curiosity is good, but remember: there are a lot of things out there that, if you go research them, will stick in your brain. Forever. Like “bukkake.” So be cautious. Once some shit like bukkake gets in there, it ain’t never coming out. You could be in the middle of a job interview or something, and your brain might start whispering, “Bukkake. Bukkake. Bukkake.”

From Bad News Hughes



  1. So… uh… what exactly is Bukkake?

    No, really. I’m serious. What is it? (I know I can Google it, but I thought it’d be more fun to hear you explain it, Ramanan.) :)

  2. No dice, Tim, Bukkake is one of those things I refuse to explain. I mean, it’s not hard to explain. I just refuse to.

  3. http://www.popfactor.com/tmftml/archives/001358.html

    Indeed the greatest comment conversation on Bukkake.


  4. it’ll be interesting to know how many people googled the word and stumbled into here

    they’ll be a disappointed

  5. http://www.artbomb.net/comics/breslin.jsp

    A nice story about Bukkake for those who are interested. While it’s not terribly graphic, I’d imagine it’s still NSFW enough that you wouldn’t want your boss reading it over your shoulder.

  6. I’ve always wanted to be a “soup man” hahaha

  7. I get a lot of hits to this page from people doing a google search for bukkake. I’m on page like 200 something for most of the search sites that send people here. So people are scrolling through like 20 pages of bukkake before getting here. That is some dedication.

  8. Well, actually i have made bukkake and I love it…. But certainly is a poison because once you did it if you dont hate the adventure you need more.

  9. And I think we have a winner for the strangest comment on this site.

  10. I agree with Julia….if you have done it and didn’t hate it, you need more. But it needs a bit of trust and some rules…otherwise it can descend into anarchy ;-)

  11. That’s a different Dave, FYI. You’re page 4 now.

  12. I’m the number 1 result for bukakke blog. I should put an affliate ad on this page. Damn.

  13. Here’s a little recipe for Bukkake cookies that I saw on boing boing.