A painting of me

Fuck You Woodbine Central Postal Outlet and Canada Post

   6 December 2005, lunch time

My poor t-shirts from Threadless are trapped at the Shoppers Drugmart at Woodbine Mall. There is an angry lady that works there, so I have given up trying to talk to her about getting the package moved to another postal outlet. (When I asked about having the package moved, or delivered again, she replied, witch much disdain and contempt, that they aren’t a Canada Post, they are a Shoppers Drugmart. Like I didn’t know?) If you don’t know, Woodbine mall is a sad excuse for a mall in and around Rexdale. It sits alone, surrounded by pretty much nothing. The race track isn’t too far away I suppose. Canada Post chose to deliver the shirts at 6:50, last Tuesday night. I have to pay duty on the shirts, which is why they didn’t leave them at the reception desk. Why they would deliver the shirts to an office at 7:00 at night, I’m not entirely sure. Having to pick-up something I had to pay to have delivered is annoying, but I can live with that. Talking to people from Canada Post on the otherhand is beyond aggravating. My advice to you: if you ever need to pick a package up from a postal outlet, just suck it up and do it, don’t talk to anyone. My plan is to trek out to Woodbine this Wednesday, on what may be the greatest adventure of my entire life.

Update: A post man came and dropped my package off for me. It’s a Christmas miracle. I still hate the lady that works at Woodbine Mall, but all is forgiven Canada Post.



  1. I would like to know why you are still ordering Threadless T-shirts? You aren’t 18 anymore! 8o|

    When I was younger I always thought Woodbine was a miniature version of West Edmonton Mall. But I guess it’s way crappier.

  2. I’ve only stood outside it once, when I missed my bus stop. It didn’t look all too impressive, or large. And Threadless t-shirts are cool.

  3. Hmm, my Threadless order was left in my mail box. I assume a brokerage paid for the duties. I think they’ve done that before. Not sure why your order didn’t automaticly have that happen to you.

  4. The Biblical Disaster t-shirt is amazing.

  5. I personally think the Stabby McKnife is pretty funny. Not a good message to send kids but still very funny.

  6. My shirt’s arrived at work today. Someone at Canada Post must have felt sorry for me.

  7. canada post blows goats i have waited three weeks for a dvd from struck corperation and still havent recieved it and i got a package from them it took 6 days to get from wisconsin to me on vancouver island it pisses me off.

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