God Damn Cranberry Juice
20 November 2006, evening time
I just split some on my keyboard. I think since I’ve started using computers, this has to be the 4th of 5th time I’ve split a beverage on a keyboard. And it sucks every single time.
20 November 2006, evening time
I just split some on my keyboard. I think since I’ve started using computers, this has to be the 4th of 5th time I’ve split a beverage on a keyboard. And it sucks every single time.
The worst is Dr. Pepper. You basically have to throw out your keyboard after you spill some of that on it.
by Matt on November 21 2006, 9:39 am #
If you’re going to throw out your keyboard, you might as well try…
by rishi on November 21 2006, 11:06 am #