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New in the Apple Music Front

   28 April 2004, mid-afternoon

Apple realeased several updates today for those products related to its online music venture.

There is a new release of quicktime which promises dramatic improvements to ACC. There is also a new lossless encoder that will encode songs to some apple format which is about half the size of the equivalent CD audio. This would still be quite large for most people I imagine, but could be good if you have a big iPod but a small CD collection (or if you have a giant hard drive).

There is a brand new iTunes, which has a slew of new features. You can read more about them at the iTunes site itself. The update looks promising. One of the more interesting features is posting your playlist online, and the ability to vote other people’s playlists up and down the online playlist charts.

Finally, if you own an iPod, grab the new iPod updater to take advantage of the changes made to iTunes.

Update: Jim Heid provides a more compressive review of iTunes 4.5.



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