A painting of me

Man of Steel

   2 July 2013, early afternoon

I watched the new Superman movie last night. It was god damn incredible. How has this film been getting mixed reviews? The “cold-open” of the film takes place on Krypton, and is thoroughly kick-ass. From there we move to the present day, where Superman is living like a drifter, helping people and trying to stay under the radar. His life on Earth is revealed over the course of the first half of the film as a series of flashbacks, mixed in with his discovery of his true origins. The second half of the film is Superman punching shit and it is so unbelievably fantastic. It’s all Kyptonians fighting Kryptonians, and the destruction one would expect from that. I loved this movie.

The official Man of Steel website.



  1. what did the man “steal”…Check your headline dude? Also, I will punch you in the face within a month!

  2. Not a lot actually happened in the movie plot-wise. The action scenes were basically just a lot of Superman punching shit with no real variety to the action.

    That said, it was decent and I liked it better than the last Superman movie.

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