A painting of me

Ruby on Rails at the Rhino Bar

   16 October 2007, mid-morning

I met Tyler at the Rhino Bar last night. Martini Boys informed me that, “When you walk into The Rhino you think, ‘I might get my ass kicked in this place’ — not a sentiment many Toronto bars inspire these days.” I love sketchy ass bars, so this sounded like it’d be my kind of place; sadly, when I arrived I wasn’t greeted by any lonely old men nursing pitchers by themselves. I guess Martini Boys hasn’t been back to the Rhino Bar recently. Parkdale just isn’t what it used to be. (Well, the drinks were still cheap, so that’s something.)

The monthly Ruby on Rails Pubnite was being held at the Rhino Bar. I’ve been meaning to go for ages, despite the fact I don’t actually do anything with Ruby on Rails. Tyler wanted to check it out: he knows a bunch of the people in that community, and, you know, actually works with Ruby on Rails. (Aside: an interesting Tyler comment from 2005.) It was far busier than I had thought it would be.

The Toronto Rails crowd are a friendly group of people. I ended up chatting with a couple people from Unspace, a couple people from Kaboose, a fellow from FreshBooks, and finally Rishi’s friend Constantine (it was strange seeing him there). If you are even remotely interested in Ruby on Rails is probably worth coming out to the Pubnite. It’s a very informal and relaxed environment. It’s easy to pop into conversations. When you stop to consider that the Ruby on Rails Pubnite caters to the geek crowd, this is a pretty amazing feat.

The whole experience makes me want to learn Rails.



  1. When I read the title of your post, I wondered if you ran into him there.

  2. That was pretty weird. I didn’t expect to see him out, but I guess he is working on his application still. He was there with his Amit.

  3. Have you converted yet? Call me!

  4. I think the next thing I decide to put on the web will be in Rails, whatever it turns out to be. Its one of those things I keep meaning to learn because its an interesting framework and I think Ruby in crazy.

    Does that make me a convert though? I mean, it’s not like I’m writing web applications as Apache Modules right now. Actually, now that I think about …

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