A painting of me

Sanaz for Miss Universe Canada

   2 November 2005, late afternoon

Sanaz is taking part in the Miss Universe Canada pageant. If she wins she gets to be Canada’s representative in the Miss Universe pageant. You may recall Canada won the pageant last year. I actually took the photos Sanaz used for her application. I still haven’t seen them, though I’ve been told they turned out really well. The photos I took were probably much tamer than the ones on Sanaz’s Miss Universe page. There is a link from her page, where you can go vote for Sanaz to win the People’s Choice award. My cousin won this award the year she participated in the pageant. Go vote. I want to be able to say I know two past winners.

Update Nov 17th 2005: Sanaz won the people’s choice award. Good job those of you who clicked and voted. I now know two winners.



  1. hi

    please contact me.



  2. Now, I’m guessing Saman wants Sanaz to email him, not me. There are two reasons I think this. First, Sanaz is way hotter than me. Second, if you search for saman_saze@yahoo.com in Google, you will find this one link, which leads you to a strange/creepy/depressing thread on teenage pregnancy, and this comment in particular:

    Name: saman fasihi
    Country: iran
    Comment: hi i’d like wedding with a girl beetwen 18 to 26. buy. email saman_saze@yahoo.com


    Shima often complains about the creepy Persian men that leave comments on her web site or email her through her web site.

  3. I think Sanaz should only be alarmed if/when the dude asks her to “please say your conditions for marriage if you have decided to do it.”

    I can’t believe my first marriage proposal came in broken english from a stranger in an email! Augh. Ramanan, you need to get a move on it! 8o|

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