3 December 2008, mid-morning
A few weeks back I was in Barrie. The radio, which I rarely listen to, was tuned to Barrie’s version of Z103.5, which was actually playing some very enjoyable music. One track they played sounded like an Ivana Santilli song I had never heard before. We heard the track again the next day. Thanks to the Internet I disovered that she had actually put a new album out some time ago, and I had managed to remain totally unaware of this. I bought the album on iTunes, on my phone, in Ali’s living room. We’re living in the future people. (This was my second purchase from the site, now that you can get DRM free music.)
The new album TO.NY is good, but I still find myself missing the sound from her earlier efforts. There are a few songs that really stand out, Whatever You Want, Been Thru This Before (the single I heard on the radio) and Hollywood (Nothing Over U). The rest of the album, while enjoyable, isn’t that memorable. I’ll probably need to listen to the album several more times before I get a real sense of what it’s like. My general sense so far is that there are a bit too many retro R&B ballads for my liking. I think my problem is that I like her first album Brown too much.
I’ve actually been listening to a lot of Bass is Base since buying the album. It’s a shame that Chin Injeti or Mystic never show up on Santilli’s solo efforts. Injeti can play the hell out of a bass.