Torture? Hearsay? It's all good
19 January 2007, early morning
The Globe discusses America’s latest attempt to deal with the prisoners in Guantanamo:
The Pentagon has announced rules for the trials of alleged terrorist suspects held at Guantanamo Bay that allow hearsay evidence and testimony extracted through coercion, including torture, in cases that could result in the death penalty. — Green light for coerced testimony
I think at this point the US government should just march from cell to cell, shooting each prisoner in the head. That seems to be the direction they want to go in, so why they are dragging their feet on the matter I do not know. I wonder how the US populace would react to these sham trials? My guess would be with indifference.
As a general matter, hearsay shall be admitted on the same terms as any evidence.
Yeah. I was trying to think of something snarky to say to that, but i’m at a loss.
I think at this point the US government should just march from cell to cell, shooting each prisoner in the head.
See but that wouldn’t make sense to them. They’re torturing these people, holding them without trial, etc. because they think it’ll get them all this fantastic intelligence. Yet most evidence shows that these methods – forget that they’re immoral for a second – don’t help a damn. And yes, as an American I’m pretty damned ashamed.
by Jeff on January 19 2007, 3:20 pm #