A painting of me

You've Been Flirting Again

   15 October 2004, the wee hours

I’ve seen her twice now. Both times we get pretty close to taking it to the next level, but I always back off at the last minute. I don’t know why I’m so hesitant. I guess I feel this urge for things to stay the same. I think change is good though. I think I really need a change. So I’ve decided that next time I go to Ikea, I will actually buy something.

This post is dedicated to Shima and Roshanak, who like to write stuff nobody understands.



  1. YAY! I got special mentions on Ram’s site. That doesn’t happen much.
    What’s the “shima” count on your site these days anyways? I bet my “ram” count is more! :P

    And don’t you like writing all cryptic like? No one has a clue what you’re talking about! (well except you ruined it by giving it away!) I honestly thought you’d met a special someone before the last sentence! :o hehehe..

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