A painting of me

Harper's Cartoon: Jesus Teaching. ⇒

   29 July 2005, mid-afternoon

There is also a great article in this months Harper's about the backwards-ass way most Americans view Christianity.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. I like this article. Concise and a good argument about (some of) what Christianity stands for and how it can be applied. (It’s about a lot more than homosexuality and abortion. And are those even mentioned in the Gospel?).

    And even if you have a different faith (or athesism!?), you really need to be disturbed by facts like “nearly 18 percent of American children lived in poverty (compared with, say, 8 percent in Sweden)” and “Despite the Sixth Commandment, we are, of course, the most violent rich nation on earth, with a murder rate four or five times that of our European peers.” and wonder if something is fundamentally wrong with the US.

  2. The complete article isn’t that much longer, and contains a lot more interesting points. It is a shame it isn’t online in its complete form.

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