A painting of me

iTunes Music Store launches in Japan. ⇒

   4 August 2005, lunch time

I wish you could buy music from all the stores worldwide. Being limited to the country you are from is so backwards-ass.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. I agree. But at the very least, now you can preview music before you buy it from Amazon.

  2. Are you a music buyer Ram?

  3. Hells no. Buying MP3s is stupid. [ed. I do however buy a large number of CDs, many at the concerts I go to.]

  4. Why is buying MP3’s stupid?

  5. Just checking Ram.

    Ryan, I assume the that answer for us computer nerds, living like we still have no disposible income is that it costs money. (Add additional info on supporting artists, margins, supporting artists directly, etc. etc.)

  6. When you buy a CD you have the music in a high quality format; in addition to liner notes which are usually informative. You don’t get these things with MP3s. Also, usually when you buy MP3s, the music usually comes encumbered with some sort of DRM. Sometimes this isn’t a problem, sometimes it is. It is however a non-issue when you can buy a CD and rip the music to an electronic format yourself. Also, when you rip music yourself you have the freedom to select the bitrate and format you like best.

  7. I agree that I prefer CDs (with no copy protection), but it’s also not worth paying $10 – $20 for a CD where you only like one or two songs. So I think downloading is a reasonable alternative in that scenario.

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