A painting of me

Over on my photography blog I wrote about the 28mm focal length. ⇒

   5 September 2014, mid-morning

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. It’s far nerdier, but someday I’d love to hear what you think of the GRD.


    I had one for a couple months and I never bonded with it the way I did with the GR1. Despite the brand, exterior case and similarities spec wise, I think the design philosophies between the two cameras couldn’t be more different.

    With the GR1, maybe because of technical restraints, each button only does one thing and there’s no PASM-style mode selection, it’s aperture priority or auto. The viewfinder info is also pretty basic and straightforward.

    In this sense it feels like a very opionated design.

    With the GRD every button is meant to be highly configurable and which act differently in different contexts, it’s got nested menus, and a bunch of other ‘modern’ camera stuff. I personally liked the photos but the design felt like a regression.

  2. I like my GR1 a lot, but it’s such a broken camera. The film count is broken, the view finder doesn’t display any of the information its supposed to. And I paid several hundred dollars for it. Seems like it’s impossible to find one that works properly. I do love it though. Still, I find it such a nuisance to shoot film now. I own two Leicas (why!) that have slowly become expensive sculptures for my house. What a shame.

    I love my GRD. I’ve owned two now. As digital cameras go it’s excellent. Clearly designed by someone who is an avid photographer. The fact it’s super customizable is a plus for me, it basically is the exact sort of camera I want. Also everything I post online from that camera isn’t post-processed, which is the biggest win. I’ll probably write a big review of them one day.

  3. I miss 28mm. I used to have a 28-70mm zoom on my old film camera (a Minolta). I loved closeups with it.

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