A painting of me

How to budget effectively and also, how to stick to it. ⇒

   8 December 2005, mid-afternoon

This link was found via Lifehacker.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. Baby, you don’t need some guy on the internet to tell you how to budget, I’ve been telling you how all long, except I guess it’s no fun listening to one’s girlfriend! 8o|

  2. Most of the advice is common sense, but it’s still good to read. I need a better system for tracking my spending than the one I use right now (which is no system). I feel like I should be more organized.

    And yes, you know I just tune you out when you start talking about stuff I don’t want to hear. That is my super power.

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