A painting of me

The snot heard round the world! on Flickr ⇒

   19 January 2006, terribly early in the morning

Holy crap that is a lot of snot. That kid was seriously upset. This link was found via Flickr Blog.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. hi there- i have asked flickr to pull this photo of mine (the snot one)from their blog, and have pulled it from my photostream. i would greatly apprecaite it if you could remove the link to it from your site. I’m not comfortable at all with my son being so viewed (20+ blogs!)... flickr put it on their blog without my knowing, and that’s why it’s being removed… Thanks so much.

  2. I have removed my link, though if you just mark the photo as private, no one will be able to see it, and you can keep it in your photostream. If the photo is marked private, this link would stop working. I think flickr displays a message saying the photo is private.

    (I think you should keep the photo up; I love that shot. I can understand why you don’t want the whole world looking at your son though. All the best.)

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