It's like TiVo for books for free. ⇒
19 January 2006, terribly early in the morning
I don't go to the library because I hate reading beat up books, but that's mostly because I am weird. This link was found via Hello, Typepad.
This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.
seattle public library dude! tons of new books and dvds. rss feeds, ebooks and the complete o’reilly library available online. and a very sweet koolhaus design in the middle of downtown.
by rooney on January 19 2006, 4:29 am #
The Woodside Square library isn’t nearly as cool. Mezan is always going on about how great the U of T library is, but that isn’t free for people who aren’t students.
by ramanan on January 19 2006, 1:54 pm #
You can use the TPL webite to have any books, music or movies in the Toronto system sent to your closest branch. Then you only need to go to the library when your items arrive.
by Robert on January 21 2006, 8:30 pm #