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Sepia Mutiny: Aussie drugrunner gets death in Bali. ⇒

   17 February 2006, evening time

And he's Tamil.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. Indonesia is keen to make examples out of him (there were 8 others). His fate was sealed the day he was caught. Supposedly the fact that he showed no remorse, won’t comply with requests, etc counted against him and resulted for the severe sentence. He was yawning during his sentencing and showed no emotions which the local press pounced on. Drug laws in Indonesia are more stricter than anti-terrorism laws.

  2. Crime is everywhere and criminals have become a part of our everyday lives. Eliminating crime and criminals is our duty and we have to deal with it whether we like it or not. However, I don’t think capital punishment is an adequate way in accomplishing the intended purposes of punishment: deterrence and incapacitation. We don’t need to go that extreme (Capital punishment) in pushing criminals. Once death penalty is practiced, there is nothing can be done to undo the punishment if the accused turn out to be innocent. I think lifetime imprisonment could be more effective in accomplishing the purposes of punishment.

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