Camera unlost, but not quite found. ⇒
19 February 2006, terribly early in the morning
I like parents' half-assed attempt to get to teach their child to do the right thing. (And they're Canadian too!)
This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.
Something seems off about the tale though…why didn’t they follow up with the police angle? I mean it would take a bit of legwork to find out what the jurisdiction is and whatnot, but if it is a really expensive camera it should be worth it.
by haran on February 19 2006, 5:19 pm #
The couple’s only intention about the camera is showing the kid what the right thing to do (letting the owner know about his lost property); then, don’t they think that teaching the kid holding possession over someone else property would not a right thing to do?
by The West Coast Express on February 19 2006, 7:29 pm #
Whatever he’s not getting his camera back, life lesson, watch your belongings when you are far away from home.
What if it was stolen instead of not returned? Would he have lowered his opinion on the humanity of thieves?
Kindness is an amazing thing when it happens, but not everyone will be so kind.
I think it would be very kind of someone to return lost property, and would be very happy if someone returned something important I lost. (I would have just left it with the park ranger.) But to expect such kindness is unreasonable.
by Vic on February 20 2006, 2:06 pm #
Is it really? I think it’s a failure of a society if people can’t be expected to return what isn’t theirs. My mom would smack me if I wanted to keep the camera in this scenario. (Well, actually, failure of a society are pretty strong words. It doesn't seem unreasonable however.)
by ramanan on February 20 2006, 2:38 pm #
Well, the loser (sorry, I mean the original owner) can’t expect someone to return his lost property. Then again, the parents’ justification for not returning the camera would not be morally acceptable.
Oh, by the way, I should thank Ramanan Sivajanjan. Last week I came across his, it’s terrific. After viewing his presentations, I wanted to become a blogger user, too. With my zero knowledge in computers, I’ve manage to do it yesterday.
by Bharathi on February 20 2006, 4:36 pm #
Why are people surprised by the thieves being Canadian? I suppose only a Canadian would be… odd enough to leave information in order to return the camera, and then not follow through.
Other than that, the last time I checked we all came from one seriously corrupt highschool and everyone knows someone who has actively stolen something.
Canadian. Hah.
by Ju-Lian on February 22 2006, 5:01 am #
Maybe, Canadians don’t want to admit that there are thieves in Canada… ha ha ha (don’t take it serious). By the by, British Colombia has the highest property crime in Canada.
by Bharathi on February 22 2006, 5:29 am #