A painting of me

March Together For Life: Murder without conscience. ⇒

   11 July 2006, lunch time

I hope to God this is a joke. (Because you shouldn't use the Onion as a source for real news.) Update: More links on Metafilter suggest she was in fact being an idiot.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



  1. Heh heh… Whoops!

  2. That’s a huge number of comments (about 340, atm) saying that the poster is stupid. Crazy.

  3. To be fair, the poster does seem pretty stupid.

  4. I’m glad 340+ people took time out of their day to call the guy a dumb-ass.

  5. It’s somewhere in the neighbourhood of a thousand now. Plus, he’s now got his own Wikipedia entry.

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