A painting of me

Sri Lankan rituals celebrating a girl's emergence into womanhood are developing a distinct identity. ⇒

   25 April 2007, mid-morning

What I found interesting about the article is how the period-party as practiced over here has almost nothing in common with the way it is practiced back in Sri Lanka. It's this strange amalgam of the Tamil Hindu tradition with what looks to be Italian Wedding style. Michael complains that Tamil's aren't integrating into Canadian society, though I'm not sure what he thinks constitutes integration. I suspect it involves becoming Catholic and changing your name, though I'm not 100% sure: "I don't fault Tamils for following their own customs, but I find it hard to think of people who celebrate these traditions as Canadian."  I find the people most obsessed with integration are usually the ones most unwilling to let new members join the Canada club.

This is a post from my link log: If you click the title of this post you will be taken the web page I am discussing.



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