A painting of me


   13 June 2006, late morning

Dave had free passes to see a early screening of Partition. The movie is essentially a romance, set against the violence surrounding the partition of India. Kristin Kreuk plays a Muslim girl from Punjab, traveling to Pakistan. The refugees she and her family are traveling with are attacked by Sikhs from the area, so she runs to hide in the woods, where she is found and saved by the gentle and peaceful Sikh ex-soldier Gian Singh, played by Jimmy Mistry (of Touch of Pink fame). The rest of the film is so very predictable. That isn’t to say it wasn’t enjoyable. I thought it was good for the most part. The version we saw wasn’t the final version: it still needed to be colour corrected; the sound and music needed to be finished properly, and the opening and ending credits were incomplete. I suspect that they might re-edit the film based on audience feedback as well. Dave and I both felt that at times the film seemed to drag. I imagine the final cut of the film could be vastly improved if it is edited to tighten up some of the scenes which drag a bit. I thought the actors did a well enough job with their various roles, though nothing particularly stand out or spectacular. Kreuk actually wasn’t half bad as an Indian girl. There are some particularly good shots in the film, and I felt it was filmed quite well for the most part. I think when the film finally does come out it will be good. Assuming they don’t get feed back to the effect of: “That partition business is too violent; it’s a real downer. You guys should drop that from the film.”

Previous discussion of Partition here.



  1. I wish you were more up beat about the movie… at least you didn’t say it was horrible but a decent movie.

    Hopefully I end up enjoying it a lot more then you did!

  2. I think it will be a good film if they just fix what I think was some sloppy editing in some places. As I said, I liked Kristin Kruek as an Indian girl. If you’re a big Kruek fan i’m sure you’ll enjoy the film; I wouldn’t worry.

  3. I’m biased towards Kristin, of course I’m going to like the movie, lol! ;)

  4. Does Kristin show any skin?!


  5. Not really, though she does prance around in a wet white shirt in the rain, which is very old-school Indian movie.

  6. Oh okay. See anything through it? =p

    How is Neve Campbell’s acting in it? She usually annoys me. I see her and I just imagine her whining about something. Damn you, Party of Five!

    I’ve only seen Jimi Mistry in “Born Romantic” which I liked a lot.

  7. “That partition business is too violent,it’s a real downer.You guys should drop that from the film”

    There would not be any film if all the violence of the actual Partition is not shown or spoken about. Partition was one of humanity’s worst times. The total number of deaths is close to a million people. Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs became absolute animals. The mayhem and murder all of them showed has to be one of the most horrible periods of Mankind. Neighbors began murdering neighbors. The atrocities committed in trains was beyond human understanding.

    Nobody really have come up with the right answer as to WHY IT HAPPENED. Many people are aware of the mechanics of Partition but nobody has the answer to WHY the violence happened.

    You really can not hide history behind any picture camera. History has to be spoken about and shown.

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