A painting of me

Random Links.

   5 April 2006, terribly early in the morning

A queer Sri-Lankan lady has released a book of poems. That’s not all too common I would imagine. Three Times sounds like a cool film. You can stalk Natalie Portman from the comfort of your own home. That’s a great use of Google Maps. I never repair permissions when I upgrade OS X. I don’t do much of anything when I update. I’m not sure who these people are whose computers are constantly breaking when they update their system, but I do feel sorry for them. Digg still sucks. CD’s in Sydney are damn expensive. Pirate that music people. George Bush is Scandalous. I guess you already knew that. Being a girl in India still sucks. You probably already knew that.


Natalie Portman is One Crazy Bitch

   5 March 2006, late afternoon

Natalie Portman is one crazy bitch. At least when she raps about driving while drunk and fucking all the guys she wants to fuck and doing all sorts of other things you wouldn’t think a demure young lady would do. Andy Samberg and Chris Parnell are too funny. This is video is so ridiculous. You will laugh.

Update: Link works again. NBC is now hosting this video.

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Pitchfork: M.I.A. Interview

   29 September 2005, early evening

I didn’t feel good growing up back in the day in London with Sri Lankans, ‘cause they’d look down on us. They’d be like, “Oh, you haven’t got a Dad. My Daddy’s a doctor, and we’re going to private school, and then I’m going to Cambridge to be a doctor.” And I knew when I was a kid that was never going to happen to me. I had no parents helping me with my homework. My parents never came to a parents’ meeting in school, I went to my own—“How’m I doing this year?” [laughs] Then when I started doing art, and everyone was like, “Oh my God, your children are so thick that they have to take art!”

Excerpt from a great interivew with M.I.A. at Pitchfork Media. I can’t stress how true this quote is. I think all of our family friends in England have children who are doctors or lawyers now. In Canada, there are just too many Tamil people around for anyone to be in your face about what your kids are up to. [via Ananthan]

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Greeting Cards

   4 August 2005, lunch time

Cyranet has greeting cards I can see a lot of my friends enjoying. For example, I could see Tyler mailing this out to someone: I am sorry for making fun of your music. I am a closed-minded snob who happens to have good taste in music. A lot of the half apology cards are quite good. I’m sure these would come in handy: Fashion Collateral Damage, Huff-breaker, Jocular to a Point, Shot in the Dark.


None Dare Call It Stolen

   29 July 2005, mid-afternoon

A forum was held to discuss the voting ‘irregularities’ in Ohio during the last election. This months Harper’s has a great article on the subject written by Mark Crispin Miller. A summary and discussion of the article is taking place at Democratic Underground. It’s almost embarrassing how corrupt the Republican party is.

update: The article is online now: None Dare Call it Stolen.

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Burning Down the House

   29 June 2005, early evening

Deepa Metha’s Water is set to open the Toronto International Film Festival this year. I’ve always wanted to watch her two other films, Fire and Earth, but have never had the chance. Fire is about lesbianism, Earth is about the partition of India and the violence that followed. Fire was particularly controversial when it came out. Now in India, when controversial films are released, it is not uncommon to see people on the streets torching cinemas. This was the case with Fire, and will probably be the case with Water, assuming it is ever shown in India. Mehta began filming Water in India, but constant harassment by various Hindu Nationalist groups forced her to film the movie elsewhere. What country did she feel would be suitable, yet safer for herself and her crew? Well, Metha finished filming Water in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka!

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Inside the Mind of an Iraqi Suicide Bomber

   27 June 2005, early evening

Reading Dinu’s site I found a very interesting interview with an Iraqi suicide bomber: Inside the Mind of an Iraqi Suicide Bomber. I’m always amazed at the things people can do and rationalize in the name of religion. It is scary, though not surprising, that the suicide bomber had to wait almost half a year to get on the list of suicide bomber volunteers; the article isn’t completely clear why, though the implication seems to be because the list is so long. It should also come as no surprise that the occupation, as well as the influx of Mujahedeen from neighboring countries, is also helping to fill the ranks of the insurgency. Rumsfeld has said he expects the insurgency to go on for years. I think ultimately Iraq will go the way of Viet Nam; it will be a horrible debacle for the US, which will leave Iraq scarred for years to come.

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Deconstructing Maui X-Stream.

   24 May 2005, early evening

Cherry OS gained some notoriety for promising to bring OS X to the PC. It was quickly discovered that Cherry OS was probably PearPC repackaged—illegally. The company that produced Cherry OS, Maui X-Stream, have taken liberties with the licenses of several other open source projects. Deconstructing Maui X-Stream is a very impressive article on this topic.

‘Open-source codes’ are protected by copyright, and with the way things are starting to go in this country, if forced to choose between being caught with a van full of pirated DVDs or heroin you’d actually have to pause and think about it.

via Metafilter

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Honey White

   12 May 2005, early afternoon

The guy who needed help asking a girl out to the prom ended up asking her out. She said yes. This of course caused a new Ask.Mefi thread on good prom stories. In Canada, proms are called formals.

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Oh Snap.

   27 April 2005, lunch time

Jason Kottke was all like, “6A is like a black hole for creative people.” And then Mena Trott was all like, “Oh no you didn’t.”

Oh Snap.

(Actually, the discourse is more intelligent than I would have you believe. Jason discusses the recent hype around Internet technology, while Mena discusses a few things, the most interesting being the fact that people are a bit too self-obsessed in the blogosphere, and the nature of her company SixApart.)

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Scar Your Children

   14 April 2005, early evening

Mena Trott, of Six Apart fame, runs the blog Not A Dollar Short. This in and of itself doesn’t make her particularly interesting; however, her bizarre childhood certainly does. I enjoyed reading about her dreams of being on Star Search. I have long dreamed of lying to my children about anything and everything I can; her parents had the same idea, telling her she had a brother she didn’t and that she didn’t need a rock tumbler when they were shopping one day since she had a rock tumbler at home. There are some pretty melancholy stories too, which I can’t help but like. Her particularly bleak entry about camp is excellent. So, How do you like them apples?

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Shima is my Girlfriend.

   21 January 2005, mid-afternoon

Shima is my girlfriend. Shima loves Japanese exchange students. Shima is obsessed with Karate. Shima loves her brother Ali. Shima speaks Persian. Shima is good at making stuff. Shima knows all about roundabouts. Shima has donated lots of blood. Shima is a Muslim. Shima gets mad at me sometimes. Shima is a geekasaurus. Shima makes excellent French toast. Shima’s cousin is Hanif. Shima likes it when I surprise her. Shima wants a ring from Tiffany’s. Shima’s friend Nina is hot; meow. Shima is obsessed with getting good marks. Shima is a Stats queen. Shima doesn’t like it when you call her brown, trust me, I know from experience. Most of all though, Shima doesn’t think I write enough about her.

update: I need to fix the broken links on Shima’s site!

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   17 January 2005, lunch time

I read on metafilter today that someone has made a documentary about Japan’s very notorious photographer, Nobuyoshi Araki. I’ve always thought of Araki as an avant-garde pornographer, but people do consider him to be an excellent photographer. There is definitely a distinct style to his photos. I think the way he lights shots and poses his women is interesting. One thing is for certain, the man does have a real fondness for the pussy; no doubt about that.

Update: I received an email from a fellow involved with this film earlier today:

I was searching around and found that you had posted about Arakimentari, the documentary on Nobuyoshi Araki. I’m working on the film, and wanted to let you know that it’s New York release will be January 21st-February 4th at the Imaginasian Theater.

Apparently it has taken quite some time for the movie to finally make it out to the cinemas. I originally posted this link February 17th 2004. That’s almost a year ago. The movie business is apparently more complicated then I thought. I’m hoping they’ll show the movie up here in Canada. It looks quite interesting.

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In Praise of Attrition

   7 January 2005, the wee hours

This article, In Praise of Attrition was in the December issue of Harper’s—well sort of anyway. Basically, Harpers just took sentances here and there from the essay and stuck them together to make a shorter essay. I wonder if they do this all the time in their ‘Readings’ section?

There is no indication that the essay they present in the magazine isn’t the essay I linked to here. Harper’s mentions in the magazine that their essay is ”... from In Praise of Attrition, by Ralph Peters…” as opposed to actually being In Praise of Attrition. Haper’s took bits and pieces throughout the essay to make a new one—that doesn’t sit right with me. I would think that if you are quoting from another work, which is really what Harper’s has done here, you would select some contiguous block of text as your shorter ‘essay’. There are no ’...’ to mark where text is missing; we are simply shown what looks to be a short essay on war. The essay Harper’s presents is the equivalent of a Hard Copy or Daily Show interview.

Mind you, both articles are fucked up. To sum up the essays, the military stratergy the US needs to adopt is: killing as many people in as violent a fashion as they can.

This essay does not suppose that warfare is simple: “Just go out and kill ’em.”

Trust me, it does. This essay is all about how killing is the only effective means in which to win a war. I suppose that should really be thought of as some sort of axiom of war.

Consider our enemies in the War on Terror. Men who believe, literally, that they are on a mission from God to destroy your civilization and who regard death as a promotion are not impressed by elegant maneuvers. You must find them, no matter how long it takes, then kill them. If they surrender, you must accord them their rights under the laws of war and international conventions. But, as we have learned so painfully from all the mindless, left-wing nonsense spouted about the prisoners at Guantanamo, you are much better off killing them before they have a chance to surrender.

This quote was cut from the Harper’s essay; the emphasis is mine.

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Yashica Electro 35 GSN

   22 December 2004, the wee hours

My Yashica Electro 35 GSN

My Yashica finally arrived today. Shopping on eBay, while quite cost effective, lacks the instant satisfaction one gets from going to the mall. Camera shops in Toronto seem to sell cameras for much more then eBay, so I am willing to put up with less them prompt service. The camera looks great; I wasn’t sure what to expect. I still need to track down some sort of battery for the beast so I can give it a run. Most everyone is quite favourable in their reviews of this camera: Matt’s Cameras, Photoethnography, Yashica Guy, Alfred’s Camera Page, Nikonian Discussion.

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OS 9 Tab Windows

   9 December 2004, lunch time

Remember in Mac OS 9 when you drag a window to the bottom of the screen and it became a tab. That was awesome. Actaully, Apple managed to drop a lot of good things when they moved from OS 9 to OS X. Now, OS X is also awesome to the max, but I mean, how hard would it have been to keep the Application menu? Thankfully, people are hard at work trying to bring back 1999.

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First Post

   30 November 2004, mid-afternoon

This is of course not my first post on this site, my first post was an ICQ conversation with Gary, and probably a less then spectacular way to kick things off. I am not the first person to start a web site believe it or not. Many people before me have done a better job with their first post—well, sometimes anyway: Kottke.org, Whole Lotta Nothing, Acts of Volition, Airbag (quite funny), Daring Fireball, Mezzoblue, 1976Desgin, EvHead, Heather Champ, Jogin, Megnut, Nedward, Dollar Short (particularly good), Plasticbag, Scribbling.net (classic), SimpleBits, Stopdesign, Waxy.org.

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Tommy Douglas

   27 November 2004, early evening

CBC is running a ‘who is the greatest Canadian’ event. My vote would be for Tommy Douglas. Tommy Douglas is probably most well known for being the father of Medicare in Canada, though he was also a very funny man. He started plenty of speaches with jokes. Kiefer Sutherland’s is Douglas’ grandson. His speach on Medicare is interesting to listen to as well. Especially since I watched him chop a man’s head off at stick it in a bowling bag in 24.

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Behind the Cracks, Cracks Appear

   10 November 2004, the wee hours

Eric Meyer, of CSS fame, has posted his opinions on the election: Behind the Beauty, Cracks Appear. The article focuses primarily on the Gay marriage issue. I think this should be called Behind the Cracks, Cracks Appear. I think many Americans are in love with a country that only exists in their heads. Of course, I’m horribly anti-American, so you can take that with a grain of salt. But in all honesty, I don’t understand what people are clinging to. At some point you need to look around and ask yourself, “This is my home?”

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Election Postscript

   5 November 2004, mid-afternoon

Here are what other people are saying; you know, people who live in America:

  • Not A Dollar Short Shows off a new Canada. I think I’d like this new Canada since I could finally visit New York. Seriously, why don’t some states just leave the US. Like California? It could go it alone.
  • A Whole Lotta Nothing [1] [2]
  • Scribbling [1] [2]
  • What Do I Know
  • 1976 Design [1] [2] The second post attempts to explain liberal anger to the crazies people that voted for Bush.
  • Greg Gnauss
  • Valdok
  • Reclaiming Reality A brand new site by a reader of this blog. This is his first entry.
  • Airbag discusses America as a police state and a flame war erupts.
  • Nedward
  • Kottke.org lets us know Americans are all stupid; Jason Kottke says what many of us around the world already knew. (And yes, I am quoting out of context. I’ll stop when CNN stops.)
  • Peace and Jellybeans. I found this post to be quite depressing.
  • Tom Tomorrow suggests reasons why the Democrats are big losers for Slate Magazine.
  • Jane Smiley expalins why the democrats should be in no rush to covet the Republican voting base.

I originally posted these links at the bottom of my post on the election, but I think they deserve there own entry. I don’t read too many (any) web sites where people are happy about the re-election of George Bush it would appear.

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What Barry Says

   4 November 2004, late at night

I got sent this link to an animation on America’s position in the world, titled What Barry Says. It’s definitely worth checking out since it’s really well done. The video looks like the opening to a video game. I should say up front, it’s left-leaning-liberal-homo-communist-anti-america-terrorist-loving-freedom-hating propaganda; you can’t win ‘em all.

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Eminem's Mosh Video

   27 October 2004, evening time

I got an email from someone that reads my site, telling me to check out the new Eminem video. I was aware his new video was anti-Bush, but didn’t bother to check it out. I finally got around to downloading it today. The video is an animation, and features Eminem and a assortment of people who get screwed by Bush marching to sign up to vote. Are they playing this song on MTV yet, or on the radio? The message is quite clear. November 2nd is only a few days away. To the Americans who read my site, I certainly hope you go out and vote—for Kerry, just so there is no confusion. If you want to vote for Bush, it’s your choice, but it’s probably a foolish one to make. As I see it, unless you are a Christian heterosexual rich white male, there is no good reason to vote for Bush.

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   16 August 2004, evening time

I’ve been using Audioscrobbler to share my music listening habits with the internet. The problem with Audioscrobbler is that the music I listen to on my iPod is ignored; that is no good. Musicmobs is another service designed to share your music listening habits with the world. The difference between Audioscrobbler and Musicmobs is that while Audioscrobbler uses a plugin to poll iTunes and determine what you are listening to, Musicmobs requires you simply upload your iTunes library file. Once Musicmobs has your library XML file it does some heavy lifting and generates a page that describes what you have been listening to.

I’m not sure how they determine what qualifies as being in heavy rotation, but I don’t know if I like it. Listening to Toxic over and over again has managed to make me some sort of Britney Spears fan. Oh dear God no.

First impressions suggest Audioscrobbler is a better service. Audioscrobbler keeps track of more information, lets you download the data it collects, has a cleaner web interface, and may have a bigger user base. I like the fact that Musicmobs lets you process your iTunes library file. I would like something similar to this for Audioscrobbler.

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I Love a Good Speech

   30 July 2004, the wee hours

For the past few days I’ve been watching the Democratic National Convention whenever I have some free time. I was pretty impressed with all the speeches I heard during the convention. I suppose, liberal that I am, that isn’t much of an accomplishment.

I just watched Kerry’s speech tonight and thought it was great. I haven’t really heard him speak much, and since he is usually called a robot in the media, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I think he did a good job at presenting himself to America. Kerry was on Bush’s ass pretty hard in the speech, basically summing up what Micheal Moore expounds on in great detail in Fahrenheit 9/11. However, I would say all the not-so-subtle jabs at the current administration were done with tact. Well, except when he called out the Saudi royal family. I wish they had people behind Kerry giving gun shots at that point.

I find when I hear Kerry speak I want to believe everything he says. The cynic in me vanishes. I agree with all the positions he brought up in his speech. I get sucked in when he talks about taxing the rich and helping out the middle class, when he goes on about improving social security and health care, when he goes on about not trying to be the biggest ass-hole country on the planet. And I’m not even a damn American. I really want him to win in November. I can’t stress how much. Another 4 years of Bush would make me crazy. I don’t know how you people living in the US can wake up in the morning.

Now, Kerry’s speech was good, but I thought Al Sharpton’s was the best I heard. There is a passion to Sharpton that I find impressive. I think it may have something to do with him being a reverend. Apparently the speech he delivered was quite different then the one he said he would, running much longer then it should have. I missed Barack Obama’s speech, which I was told he delivered brilliantly. If you like speeches as much as I do, I recommend you check out American Rhetoric. The site features some of the best American speeches in history.

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The King of Hacks?

   27 July 2004, mid-afternoon

I stumbled across this crazy way to turn an iPod into a universal remote. The author, Phillip Torrone, is some sort of MacGuyver. Philip’s web site features a slew of interesting and bizarre hacks that you can try at home—if you are adventurous I suppose. I found this at Waxy.org

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